If you think this new model is a travesty of consumerization of classic products - I'd go buy the originals any place you can get it, cause honestly - I can't really see see selling a $70 model and a $100 model both for long. Is anyone fimilliar with the Tune-Bot app for the iPhone and/or the actually store bought product If so, what are your thoughts Forums. Positive & Negative Reviews: Rapchat record music beats auto voice tune - 10 Similar Apps, 3 Review Highlights & 71,068 Reviews.
At $69 minimum advertised price / free shipping I'd say this is freaking awesome - go clean the shelves out folks. I tried my 6.5 x 14 Epic snare (CS batter, Ambassador SS) at about 224 / 337 (just where i ended up) and it solidified up nicely. If you write the numbers down (on the heads as some folks do), I don't think you're really missing anything off the original. All Press Releases for SeptemOvertone Labs to Relaunch Tune-Bot Exclusively with Quantum Networks on Amazon Overtone Labs has entrusted the e-commerce experts at Quantum Networks to relaunch the Tune-Bot Gig, a simplified version of their original drum tuner. Relative mode gives you +/- 1/2 Hz, the directions say get within 2 Hz. Clip it on, Put it in Absolute mode - pick your target lug, hit the button to go to relative, then tune the rest. I think there's even a free version out now that has most of the functionality. If he wanted to, and had the resources, he could probably nuke their patent. I'm not sure what they took out from the bigger version, perhaps saving pitches? Basically it has two modes - Absolute and Relative. iDrumTune survived the legal flurry from Tune Bot because the guy's research was published before Tune Bot's patents. Overtone Labs have created a product called Tune-Bot that aids in the process of tuning. Simply attach the unit to your drum’s rim and begin to tune like normal, reading the display as you go. You have to tap the drum loud enough for the device/app to register the hit. On both, when you play the drum, theres two similar behaviours: 1. Press your hand in the middle of the drum head, then take your key and loosen the lugs. Tune your bass drum as low as you can go, generally an octave below your floor tom. The bass drum is the heartbeat of your kit.
Ok, got a few minutes to play with it at lunch. The Tune-Bot from Overtone Labs makes tuning drums a breeze. Ive found that the Tunebot is more user-friendly than iDrumTune. For example, if you tune your top head to an A, tune your bottom head to a D. Drum Tuner - iDrumTune Pro 4.99 iDrumTune Pro is the worlds most advanced, accurate and intelligent system for assisting and educating on drum tuning used by thousands of.